Hello 2016
It's already February! So 2016 is well underway and there's been enough time to break new years resolutions. Kids have gone back to school and after school activities are already beginning. So the slow lazy days of Summer, if you were lucky enough to get a break, are well and truly over. 2016 has started off pretty well and I've already been back at work and looking forward to the year ahead.
But before the year gets too far ahead, I wanted to share a few things that I worked on towards the end of 2015 which ended the year off rather creatively. Firstly there was the End of the Line festival. A one day biennial music and art extravaganza which has been happeninng in Belgrave for the last few years. It's a killer day with all your senses bombarded. Sights, sounds, smells and plenty of people to brighten up our already vibrant village. This year was no exception and I contributed a few pieces to the art section of the festival. A large plywood board which I painted in a minimalist watercolour style with a hint of pen drawing called "Blooming". This was hung along with many other artists works on plywood boards along the train line fence, adding atmosphere to Blacksmiths way along with the graffitti artists painting up a storm and bands and DJ's adding some grooves to the mix.

Another piece I had at the festival was the hillsceneLIVE on a roll which was a 6 meter long collage of photos from the first four hillsceneLIVE events hanging in the Cameo cinema tunnel. I thought it looked great in the space and was very happy with the way it turned out.

One other exhibition which we contributed to was the Dollhouse exhibition. I say we because this was a bit of a family contribution. We had three "dolls". One was made by me from a drawing my youngest son had done of an alien type creature, made from bright green, red and orance remnant fleecy fabric. One was made by my youngest son and I together after watching the animated film called 9, it's the little grey brown rag doll with the handdrawn heart on his chest, he's called 11. The third, Dr Vampire, was made by my oldest son at after school care. It was a small but gorgeous exhibition underneath the steps at a local shop with some great styling to make all the dolls seem like they were sitting in a rustic doll collectors basement just waiting to be rediscovered and sent off to their new homes.

The other big project for the end of 2015 and the start of 2016 was updating my website. I enjoyed redoing the hillscene website so much I just couldn't wait to update mine, since it just looked so dull and static in comparison. I've even decided to move the blog over to it.
Hopefully this might mean that making more regular posts becomes one of my new years resolutions that I manage to keep.